Welcome to Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church! We hope our website provides the information you are looking for and a glimpse of who we are! We invite you to join us on a Sunday or Wednesday to experience first-hand what God is doing through our church. Our hope here is to answer any questions you may have concerning your first time with us. If there is a question you have that is not addressed, feel free to contact us at mtpisgahbaptist@atmc.net. We look forward to having you as our guest at Mt. Pisgah.
We emphasize the importance of God’s Word and seek to establish everything we do on His instruction. For this reason, you’ll find Biblical preaching at the heart of every service. Preaching is delving into scripture with an emphasis on the application of truth and revealing the heart of God. Pastor Mooney seeks to deliver the powerful truth to his people in a passionate and relevant way. When you come, prepare to be challenged by the truth of God’s word. We believe that the “truth will set you free” and is the answer to all of you face in life.
You will see many people wearing their Sunday best and others in jeans. While there is something to say be said for bringing your best to God on every level, we believe God looks at the heart above all else. With this in mind, come just as you are and enjoy the fellowship, worship and preaching you will find at Mt. Pisgah.
When and Where Do You Meet?
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church is located at 494 Mt. Pisgah Road SW in Supply, NC. If you are coming from Highway 17, make sure to look for our sign and we are located a quarter of a mile on Mt. Pisgah Rd. We are easily reached by people from Supply, Shallotte, Ocean Isle, Southport, Oak Island, and Holden Beach, etc. Our worship time is 11:00 am on Sunday mornings with Lifegroups at 9:45 am. We also have Wednesday nights where we have bible studies for students, kids and adults at 7:00 pm. Click on our directions icon on the homepage for directions to our church.
Every Sunday we offer a special program for kids K5-6 grade called “Kidz Church” that runs the same time as our Adult Worship service. The kids enjoy bible teaching and fun with other kids in a service designed just for them. Every Sunday our leaders work hard to make it a fun and exciting experience for kids to learn about the Bible. We believe that children deserve our best so caring volunteers will make sure every kid feels welcomed and are taught that God loves them. We also have a nursery for infants-4 year olds available with great leaders who will watch your children while you worship. Kids Lifegroups are offered at 9:45 am with classes for all ages. Check out the Life-groups page to see the class grades and locations.