Our students are very important at Mt. Pisgah. Students participate in weekly activities such as LifeGroups and worship. They also have yearly events such as camp, retreats, amusement park trips, mission projects and so much more. All students in 7th-12th grade are invited to attend. Our students have a lot of fun together, but more than anything, they learn the Bible and how it can change their life.

Students Life Groups: 7th-12th Graders | Sundays at 9:45 am
LifeGroups are age-graded small groups for your children and teach them to apply biblical truths to their daily lives with a fun, creative approach. Using teaching, songs and games the kids will be having fun throughout their whole time in class. These classes meet at 9:45 am in the education building. Ask a greeter and they will lead you to the appropriate class.